One of our core collections is the 'Talyon Collection', based on the '72 names of G-d' in Kabbalah, the mysticism of Judaism.
This teaching reveals 72 distinct Hebrew letter sequences that each tap into a unique divine energy and frequency.
Kabbalah teaches that meditating on and vibrationally aligning with these sacred Names offers a way to connect more deeply with the life-force energy that flows through all reality. Each Name is believed to unlock specific spiritual properties, from attracting abundance to manifesting desires to achieving higher consciousness.
While certainly mystical and metaphysical, the 72 Names also hold mathematical and scientific significance, encoding many of the patterns, geometries and rhythms found throughout nature.
Whether one approaches it from a religious, mystical or esoteric perspective, the conception of the 72 Names of G-d offers a multi-layered teaching on profoundly elevating one's spiritual awareness and personal growth.
We chose 9 out of the possible 72 combinations for our collection.

The concept of sickness extends beyond physical ailments of the body. It encompasses the "poor health" in a relationship, and emotional "illnesses" such as anxiety and depression. However, we possess a powerful tool capable of healing all manner of disease and restoring balance.
To fully activate this healing power, two approaches are recommended:
✨ your awareness to others in need of healing. As the energy of healing flows through us to assist others, we simultaneously receive the benefits ourselves. The more we give, the more we receive.
✨ personal accountability.
As we concentrate on others' healing while taking accountability, we align with the powerful healing frequencies encoded in this sequence.
Unconditional Love


Making Miracles


Life is not about merely coping with fears, surviving bouts of anxiety or working through panic attacks. Life is meant for achieving absolute happiness, complete freedom, and true fulfillment.
Before there is Light, there is darkness. Our personal effort to create Light out of that darkness expresses humanity's most profound longing and deepest desire - to be the true cause of our own happiness. Often, our fears present the greatest obstacles confronting us.
On the other side of fear lies paradise. If we run from our fears, we flee from the fulfillment of our own deepest needs. By proactively confronting our fears at the root level, we can pull them out entirely from our being.

Kabbalah describes this sequence as an invincible cure for the longest and most important battle in human history - the conflict against our own evil eye and that of others.
Eyes possess tremendous power. The human eye has the capability to transmit both positive and negative energy. The "evil eye" refers to the negative glances and resentful looks we receive from those harboring destructive feelings toward us. When we cast the evil eye toward others, we create a greater opening within ourselves, attracting more negative glances and their harmful effects.
The evil eye brings equal harm to both the bearer and recipient. Wearing this powerful letter combination creates a shield of positive energy, offering protection from negative glances, envy, and ill-intentions directed your way.

Kabbalah teaches that our souls were imbued with a divine spark from the Creator. As we transform and elevate our consciousness, this innate godliness awakens in direct proportion.
The ability to resolve all our troubles resides within us, for it is not some external force granting our prayers - it is we ourselves who manifest our realities.
As we courageously confront our inner chaos and patterns instead of avoiding them, our divine essence shines forth more brilliantly. We ignite the flame of our own spiritual mastery.
Knowing that we carry the divine spark within us, gives us the confidence and self esteem to tackle any obstacle and create our desired reality.
True joy is an inside job - it stems from our internal state of consciousness rather than external circumstances. While pleasures and comforts may spark momentary delight, authentic, lasting joy arises from a choice we make with our mindset and perspective. When we choose to approach life with gratitude, wonder and acceptance instead of resistance, joy naturally flows. It is the radical act of embracing the present with open-hearted presence rather than mentally lingering in the past or fretting about the future. Ultimately, joy is a renewable resource, continually available to us in each moment through the power of our own focused intentions.
Breaking Free